Pre-Construction Services
A successful construction project requires an extensive amount of preparation and planning before construction operations begin. The preparation work includes financing, design, estimation, scheduling and buyout.
Financing a construction project can be expensive. While the cost of construction is the most expensive component, planning (including design, estimation and scheduling) also contributes significantly to the overall project cost. The money dedicated to planning, however, is often money well spent, for it is far easier (and cheaper) to make changes during design than during construction, when material must be demolished or scrapped and manpower lays idle.
Construction project design is a complex and iterative process, requiring input from multiple sources in order to produce a feasible end result. The design is typically broken down into three different phases; schematic design (SD), design development (DD), and construction documents (CD). The reason it is considered an iterative process is that a change from one discipline (say architectural moving a wall or changing the ceiling height) can have a snowball effect on other disciplines like structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical. It can also impact cost and schedule. Having Snow Construction involved early on in the design, during the SD or DD phase, can help in many ways, but most notably we can assist in providing input regarding constructability, cost and duration/scheduling. These inputs will typically provide a reality check for the owner and design team, thereby streamlining the design process.